Confirmed: Omer Bhatti is Michael Jackson love child to Pia Bhatti

Omer Bhatti, aka rapper O-Bee, Michael Jackson love child to Norwegian Pia Bhatti is a secret no more! Joe Jackson confirmed that the 25-year-old Omer Bhatti, an aspiring rapper from Norway and has quite a following, is Michael Jackson's fourth child. There were gossips that circulate after the death of Michael Jackson that Omer Bhatti is the secret son when he was spotted sitting in the front row at Michael Jackson Memorial service.

Reports say that Michael Jackson has told his closest friends Omer's mother was a Norwegian with whom he had one night stand in 1984. And it was disclosed as Pia Bhatti is the mother of Omer. Pia Bhatti still pushing for DNA tests just to settle the issue. Until now Pia Bhatti has refused to give interviews to media. And a shocking revelation had surfaced, pointing Pia Bhatti is also the mother of Blanket Jackson, Prince Michael Jackson II. Blanket was born in 2002 by an unnamed surrogate mother. The procedure was via artificial insemination using Michael Jackson’s own sperm cells.

Foxnews had this story way back 2004 only to be credible enough five year later.

Omer Bhatti was considered a mini Jacko when he was brought along in many of Michael’s concerts. Its also reported that Omer Bhatti spent some years living at Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch in northern California.

Omer Bhatti is Michael Jackson’s son!
Pia Bhatti is Blanket Jackson’s mom!

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